ENERFROM ENERUV -- The Alfrom & Affiliates' energy facility supply and related services brand 'Enerfrom' has its Chinese name determined as '额ÒöÜØÙÌ (É néng fú mù)'. '额Òö É néng' signifies cost-effective energy, meaning energy that performs as much as the amount paid, while 'ÜØÙÌ fú mù' means fostering happiness. This conveys Enerfrom's corporate philosophy of providing cost-effective energy to enhance consumer happiness.
Additionally, the energy utility and vehicle technology brand 'Eneruv' (Energy Utility & Vehicle) will be referred to in Chinese as '额Òöêó备 (É néng yǒu bèi)'. This means cost-effective energy utility and vehicles, highlighting a company that supplies energy-efficient utility and vehicle technology.
The Alfrom & Affiliates are a parent companies with a N.E.W.S.Group under its umbrella.
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