The Chinese name for the N.E.W.S.Group Investment Management Division “Benefrom” is 宝Ò¬ÜØÙÌ (Bǎo nǎi fú mù), which means “precious – nurturing blessings.” The Chinese name for “Beneinto” is 宝Ò¬ì×öõ (Bǎo Nǎi Yīn Tuō), which means “precious – entrusted.”
The Chinese name for the N.E.W.S.Group Virtual Asset Management and related security services brand “eBizh” is æ¶币òª (Yìbìzhì). The meaning of the characters is “easy æ¶ – currency 币 – wisdom òª,” representing a “safe and convenient virtual asset platform.”
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“Beneinto”îÜñéÙþÙ£称为“宝Ò¬ – ì×öõ”£¬ëòÞÖãÀ“òÒ贵îÜ东ठ– áôöõ”¡£ñé译Ù£称为“宝Ò¬ì×öõ”¡£
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