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Hytera Mission-critical Push-to-talk Solution Wins Flagship Industry Award

뉴스일자: 2023-05-26

SHENZHEN, CHINA-- May 26, 2023 -- Hytera Communications (SZSE: 002583), a leading global provider of professional communications technologies and solutions, received the award of “Best use of critical communications in utilities” with its entry “LECO Electricity MCPTT” at the International Critical Communications Awards (ICCAs) 2023 ceremony held in Helsinki, Finland on May 23. The ICCAs, presented by the Critical Communications Association (TCCA), is a highly-anticipated program recognizing the success of products, organizations, and individuals that have pushed boundaries and capabilities within the field of critical communications. Earlier in April, Hytera’s seven entries were shortlisted by ICCAs.

This Mission-critical Push-to-talk (MCPTT) deployment highlights a clear path for the migration of the private communications network in the utility sector. Working with local partner Dialog Enterprise, Hytera has deployed a customized MCPTT system for LECO, Lanka Electricity Company (Private) Limited. As the rapid-response arm of the Ceylon Electricity Board, LECO provides electrical services to underserved areas and now works with a state-of-the-art radio communications system based on MCPTT over 4G-LTE technology to cover service grids in Galle, Moratuwa, Kalutara, Negombo, Kelaniya, Kotte, and Nugegoda. In the extreme scenario where cellular network coverage is not available, Hytera’s dual-mode rugged radios support device-to-device (D2D) communication empowered by Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) technology. While it proves the versatility of MCPTT to serve utility companies, the project also demonstrates how product innovations, such as dual-mode radios, can win the users’ buy-ins in technology adoption.

“This MCPTT solution operates at a higher priority than Internet services, and also having a device-to-device communication mode are huge pluses for LECO,” said Athula P. De Silva, Chairman of LECO. “Because when connectivity is interrupted due to unforeseeable circumstances-like a sudden violent storm, for instance-we are the professionals whose job it is to bring the network back up. With this, our dispatchers and field engineers are in constant touch since we are in complete control of our own internal communication channel. So, in the event of an outage, power can be restored much faster. If we had chosen the generic mobile voice service or Push-to-talk over Cellular (PoC) instead, our rapid response team’s communications would have been vulnerable to the same disruptive factors and service interruptions as the general public-and that was totally unacceptable. We are the first line of defense against power outages. MCPTT solution is a perfect fit for our requirements.”

Hytera HyTalk MC Mission Critical Services (MCS) system is a multimedia mission-critical communication solution designed for sectors such as public safety, utilities, and transportation. It is fully compliant with the 3GPP MC standards including MCPTT, MCData, and MCVideo. It delivers reliable voice and video communication, high-speed data transfer, and multimedia dispatch services for daily operations. It helps enhance connectivity for better collaboration and improved situational awareness.

Priority Quality of Service (QoS) of HyTalk MC is guaranteed on the servers of the MCPTT platform provider and on the mobile operator’s network. This end-to-end QoS ensures that critical communications users are given the highest priority available over any other commercial users. HyTalk MC also enables Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) to LTE interoperability, so that it allows connections among different task forces.

“The award is a great recognition to all the stakeholders of this project, including LECO and Dialog. This case epitomizes how technological advancements are introduced and adopted to empower professionals from the utility sector,” said Ming Kam Wong, deputy GM of Hytera overseas business, who was present at the ICCAs ceremony. “Hytera is humbled to see itself becoming a frequent participant and winner of ICCAs. Thank you to the panel and congratulations to all the winners of ICCAs 2023.”


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기사제보 이메일 news@newsji.com, 전화 050 2222 0002, 팩스 050 2222 0111, 주소 : 서울 구로구 가마산로 27길 60 1-37호

인터넷뉴스서비스사업등록 : 서울 자00447, 등록일자 : 2013.12.23., 뉴스배열 및 청소년보호의 책임 : 대표 CEO

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