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NTT Unveils Sustainability as a Service to Help Organizations Achieve Net-Zero Goals

The company introduces the industry’s first full-stack Net-Zero Action architecture, which includes NTT’s Private 5G, Edge Compute and IoT solutions
뉴스일자: 2022-09-29

LONDON & LAS VEGAS-- September 29, 2022 -- NTT Ltd., a leading global IT infrastructure and services company, today announced its full-stack Net-Zero Action offering at Mobile World Congress 2022 (MWC) in Las Vegas, Nevada. This climate-focused solution leverages NTT’s vast infrastructure and services capabilities to help clients reduce the environmental impact of business activities. Climate initiatives are top of mind as organizations work to increase sustainability initiatives that will help them achieve net-zero goals and make data-driven decisions to reduce their carbon footprint. This innovative offering will help customers achieve better economic performance through enhanced climate action including measuring, monitoring, and reporting impact, proactively working to limit climate incidents, and improving response times when detecting issues.

“We are very excited to launch the industry’s first full-stack Sustainability as a Service offering at a time when industries are looking for effective ways to make good on their commitments to achieving net-zero goals,” said Devin Yaung, Group Senior Vice President of Enterprise IoT Products and Services at NTT Ltd. “Today’s news reinforces NTT’s commitment to helping organizations proactively limit climate incidents, respond in real-time with automated resolutions, and accurately measure their environmental impact in communications with regulators, employees and other stakeholders.”

Organizations are increasingly being held accountable for achieving net-zero goals to meet the expectations of their stakeholders, including clients, shareholders, institutional investors, employees, business partners, and communities. In a recent survey, 58% of Fortune 500 companies aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve net-zero goals by 2050 or sooner. Those that commit to these goals are often faced with the additional challenges of being under-resourced and underfunded or are unable to consistently capture accurate data fit for purpose. Additionally, McKinsey has estimated that it will take $9.2 trillion of aggregated annual capital expense to achieve 2050 goals.

In response to this challenge, NTT has announced the industry’s first full-stack Sustainability as a Service architecture combining extensible technologies leveraging NTT’s solution building blocks including IoT, Private 5G, Edge Compute, NTT Smart Solutions Platform, Digital Twins and Machine Learning products. The full-stack offering along with its consulting service is designed to be customized depending on net-zero goals, the organization and the supply chain’s carbon-producing footprint. It will help organizations build a comprehensive picture of the status of climate goals by streamlining the monitoring, measurement, and reporting of emissions. It will also speed up incident response times to get to the root cause of an issue. All of this is applicable to industries such as manufacturing, transportation and logistics, and healthcare providers.

The full-stack sustainability offering includes:

· Remote Environmental Monitoring: Using NTT’s IoT for sustainability solution, this technology uses sensors to identify the presence of pollutants in the air, water, and plants across the globe, in real-time. In manufacturing, this can assist with measuring processes and products that consume energy. In the transportation industry, this can monitor greenhouse gas emissions more effectively for fleet management.
· Digital Twin and Smart Solution: This solution uses a combination of NTT Smart Solutions and Digital Twin capabilities which act as the “brain” of the system. This will help organizations to predict issues with the built-in Machine Learning technology, respond to incidents faster with context from Digital Twin and measure the carbon footprint at a granular, actionable level, in real-time.
· Automation and Orchestration: Leveraging the existing A&O, the Digital Twin automates problem resolution where possible or creates a ticket for support personnel to investigate and address the issue and thus limit greenhouse impact.

“As a global leader in tire and rubber manufacturing, we believe that growth, innovation and sustainability go hand in hand,” said Nizar Trigui, chief technology officer and group president, Bridgestone America. “Having real-time visibility into carbon footprint and progress towards net-zero ambitions is an essential foundation of our growth and innovation agenda.”

As a premier Industry City 5G Showcase Sponsor at MWC, NTT is excited to bring to life cutting-edge technologies that reimagine the possibilities of a connected future. To learn more about NTT’s Edge Compute, Private 5G and IoT capabilities, visit their exhibit at Booth # W1 410, September 28-30; or attend the panel, Green Networks: Countdown to Zero, where Devin Yaung will discuss how organizations are transforming processes, using sustainable data centers, virtualization, AI, intelligent optimization and cloud to enable green networks. See contact details below.


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기사제보 이메일 news@newsji.com, 전화 050 2222 0002, 팩스 050 2222 0111, 주소 : 서울 구로구 가마산로 27길 60 1-37호

인터넷뉴스서비스사업등록 : 서울 자00447, 등록일자 : 2013.12.23., 뉴스배열 및 청소년보호의 책임 : 대표 CEO

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