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Manukau Institute of Technology Avoids Costly and Unnecessary Oracle Upgrade by Leveraging Rimini Street Support

Leading New Zealand vocational educator avoids forced upgrades to stay fully supported while gaining the flexibility to develop its future IT roadmap
뉴스일자: 2022-07-21

LAS VEGAS-- July 21, 2022 -- Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of enterprise software products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software products, and a Salesforce partner, today announced that Manukau Institute of Technology Limited (MIT) has switched to Rimini Street for support of its Oracle applications . MIT’s switch to Rimini Street enables MIT to continue using its current, stable and valuable Oracle software for five, ten, fifteen or more years into the future without any required upgrades - while receiving more responsive and robust support.

“Our goal is to ensure our clients’ support needs are met, whatever they may be. Many organizations are pushed into costly, unnecessary and disruptive upgrades by enterprise software companies, because they don’t know about Rimini Street’s proven support programs that do not require upgrades or migrations,” said Daniel Benad, group vice president and regional general manager, Oceania, Rimini Street. “MIT proves that you can avoid both upgrades and disruptions by turning to Rimini Street support and gaining years of application and technology roadmap flexibility.”

Support Needed to Maintain IT Roadmap Flexibility

MIT hosts 11,000 students on five campuses and provides technical, vocational and professional training education on subjects including hairdressing, automotive, engineering, and digital technologies. The nursing school provides a unique opportunity for Māori and Pacific students to study cultural health care practices and learnings to best support their communities.

MIT runs several Oracle applications critical to the Institute, including finance, student management and data warehousing. However, the vendors providing MIT’s student management and finance services decided to move away from Oracle support, as each application had been earmarked by the vendor with end-of-life dates where full support would cease in 2023. The institution would have faced costly upgrades to the latest versions in order to remain fully supported by the software vendor.

“We were in a bind. We knew the software vendor’s support for each Oracle application would cease next year, but we wanted to continue using our current applications,” said Gerald Masters, Head of Technology, MIT. “Our current Oracle version was stable, and there was no reason for us to move off it other than Oracle saying ‘we had to’.”

The institute needed to find a way to enable it to continue to use its current software and obtain mission-critical support, while also providing it with the sufficient time needed to identify and implement its next-generation of finance and student management systems.

“Rimini Street stepped up with a unique value proposition and service solution. They could keep us on our current version, which meant we could avoid upgrading to a new Oracle version, at great expense, that we didn’t want or need,” said Masters. “Rimini Street will provide support for our existing system while giving us the flexibility to decide our next steps in our IT roadmap without pressure. This was a key reason why we made the shift as it really helps us out of a tough situation with a great solution.”

Award-Winning Comprehensive Support

Each Rimini Street client benefits from the Company’s flexible, premium-level enterprise software support model, including its industry-leading Service Level Agreement of 10-minute response times for all critical Priority 1 cases. All clients are also assigned a Primary Support Engineer with an average of 20 years’ experience in enterprise software and backed by a team of functional and technical engineers. Furthermore, Rimini Street ensured a well-controlled transition with upfront information, a dedicated project manager, and continual updates on progress.

“Rimini Street support allowed us to get on with business as usual,” said Masters. “We’re undergoing an institution-wide transition and working to a deadline. Waiting for a patch or an update that takes systems offline for days at a time would have really hindered our other internal efforts, so having Rimini Street support there ensures our mission-critical systems are online and working smoothly, so we’re pleased to know Rimini Street has us covered.”


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회사소개 | 인재채용 | 이용약관 | 개인정보취급방침 | 청소년보호정책 | 책임한계와 법적고지 | 이메일주소무단수집거부 | 고객센터

기사제보 이메일 news@newsji.com, 전화 050 2222 0002, 팩스 050 2222 0111, 주소 : 서울 구로구 가마산로 27길 60 1-37호

인터넷뉴스서비스사업등록 : 서울 자00447, 등록일자 : 2013.12.23., 뉴스배열 및 청소년보호의 책임 : 대표 CEO

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