LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND-- June 13, 2022 -- The results of a new international survey released today by Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) (NYSE: PM) reveal that citizens worldwide are frustrated by divisive and exclusionary approaches to policymaking. More than eight in ten adults surveyed worldwide (82 percent) believe the best solutions to critical global challenges can be found not at the extremes but in the middle ground. Conducted by independent research firm Povaddo for PMI, the survey of more than 44,000 adults in 22 countries shows strong agreement among respondents (88 percent) that when making decisions that affect the lives of a significant portion of the population, leaders must listen to and advocate for the people they represent.
The survey results show support for a balanced approach to tobacco regulation, one that brings together all voices and encourages incremental progress on harm reduction. Specifically, the survey found that:
· 77 percent agree that the too-often-ignored perspectives of those most directly impacted need to be included in regulatory discussions;
· 75 percent agree that societal expectations of total abstinence from substances such as nicotine and alcohol are not feasible, and so the government should take steps to reduce the harm of their use; and
· 72 percent agree that their governments need to consider the role alternative products can play in making their countries smoke-free.
“If we are to address the challenges we face as a society in a meaningful and expeditious way, a more balanced and inclusive approach is required,” said Gregoire Verdeaux, Senior Vice President, External Affairs. “This includes policy decisions that consider first and foremost the people who are most impacted—ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met—and then bringing all relevant parties to the table, including subject matter experts, private companies, civil society leaders, and others who can contribute to solving the issues at hand.”
Despite increasingly polarized societies worldwide, the survey revealed a strong consensus that finding a middle ground on contentious issues can drive incremental policy change and enable progress:
· 90 percent of respondents believe that to solve the most pressing societal challenges, leaders need to consider all perspectives—even those that run counter to their own.
· 88 percent said they would be more likely to vote for leaders who listen to all sides of an issue and adopt sensible approaches that better the lives of ordinary people.
· Currently, less than a third of adults surveyed (31 percent) believe their views are reflected in the way their governments are addressing critical issues.
Additionally, the survey found that citizens are tired of waiting for change and are willing to compromise to make things happen:
· 76 percent believe leaders should pursue policy changes that allow for incremental progress on societal issues rather than hold out for sweeping changes that are harder to implement.
Finally, people want companies and business leaders to help drive change:
· 85 percent of respondents believe that citizens and companies working together will have a more meaningful impact.
· 77 percent welcome corporate involvement in addressing major issues.
Gregoire Verdeaux said: “In countries across the world, citizens are tired of policymaking logjams and eager for constructive change. In the area of tobacco harm reduction, PMI has long advocated for a sensible approach that prioritizes the interests of current adult smokers and public health. By having balanced and inclusive discussions about the science behind better alternatives and adopting a more people-centric approach, we can accelerate the end of cigarettes. More than a billion people continue to smoke. We must—and can—do better, and that starts with open, fact-based dialogue.”