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RedKiwi, English Learning Application, Launches in Taiwan

´º½ºÀÏÀÚ: 2022-04-12

DAEJEON-- April 12, 2022 -- RedKiwi, an English learning app developed by HayanMind of Korea, has been officially launched in Taiwan this April. RedKiwi has shown tremendous and noticeable performance in Japan and Korea with more than 1.5 million downloads recorded so far.

Since its first step into the overseas market in 2018, RedKiwi has been highly appreciated as an English learning application, ranked as the No.1 app in the English listening field in various Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and others. This launch will be another beginning in their journey to provide their service to many other countries.

“The purpose of studying English among young generations is pretty similar in countries like Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, which is to prepare for the TOEIC test or job hunting, etc. I think that RedKiwi’s English content will be successful in Taiwan as well, satisfying users’ demand as it did in Korea and Japan,” said an official of RedKiwi.

He further explained “Our distinctive characteristic of providing a fun English learning experience through movies, animations, and TV series, is already buzzing within Taiwanese social networking services, bringing attention by word of mouth.”

RedKiwi’s Free Trial for One Week promotion is coming up on May 1st for Taiwanese users.

For more information on RedKiwi app and its services, please visit RedKiwi website and its official Instagram


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