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Samsung Electronics’ New Smart TV Won CES Best of Innovation Award for Accessibility

New Accessibility Technology and Premium Design offer More Convenient UI, Crystal Clear Sound and an Unbeatable Visual Experience
뉴스일자: 2015-12-27

SEOUL, Korea – December 27, 2015 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced it has won a CES 2016 Best of Innovation Award in the Accessible Tech category for one of its new Smart TVs, which will be revealed in full at CES in Las Vegas, on January 5th, 2016. Held annually, the CES Innovation Awards honor outstanding design and engineering in consumer technology, with the winning products displayed for everyone to experience at the Innovation Awards Showcase, live at CES.

“Designing a television that offers the best possible picture quality and is accessible for all our customers is something we aim to achieve with all our SUHD and Smart TV models,” said John Ryu, Vice President of Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “We are proud to have our Smart TV recognized for offering best in class accessibility by the CES Innovation Awards. We will continue to introduce new ways that allow all consumers to enjoy the best TV viewing experience possible.”

Voice Guidance: A More Convenient User Experience

Samsung’s Voice Guidance feature makes a range of TV functions easier to use, including setup, web browsing and other steps typically only shown on screen. Using their normal conversational voice, people can easily interact with the TV, for example to record upcoming programs and manage various Smart TV applications, as well as to request information such as show times and program titles.

Amplify and Clear Voice: Improving Sound Clarity

The Amplify function of Samsung Smart TV can enhance high-frequency sounds to further improve sound clarity. Another Clear Voice function makes spoken dialogue easier to hear by adjusting frequency of the voices in the TV.

New Graphical User Interface: Enhanced Readability

New Smart TV’s graphical user interface offers better overall on-screen readability with twice the contrast of previous models.

Good Design is Accessible Design

Samsung’s drive to constantly develop its TV technology with advanced yet intuitive functionality and new accessibility features, helps provide an improved TV viewing experience for all consumers. Voice Guidance, Amplify and Clear Voice functions are also designed to be simple and easy for everyone to use.

For more information on this press release including photos and related Samsung Newsroom articles, please visit news.samsung.com/global/samsung-electronics-new-smart-tv-won-ces-best-of-innovation-award-for-accessibility.


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인터넷뉴스서비스사업등록 : 서울 자00447, 등록일자 : 2013.12.23., 뉴스배열 및 청소년보호의 책임 : 대표 CEO

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